Weekly email reports for team managers

    In relation to individual user roles, Sloneek sends out overview statements Monthly overview for the user role User, Weekly overview for the user role Manager and Monthly overview for the user role Admin.

    Weekly overview for the user role Manager

    The overview is sent out every Monday morning. In the overview you will find:

    • Birthdays – A listing of who will have a birthday in the next two weeks (user/birthday date)

    • Absence – all absences that are pending approval/cancellation – listed in the format user/event/start-end (button „approve all”, button „overview” – leads to Approval directly in the application) + listing who is absent this week

    • Time tracking – all activities pending approval / cancellation („approve all” button, „overview” button – leads to Approval)

    You can turn off/on the Sloneek DIGEST reports on the Notifications and Integrations tab. You can find it under ME / My profile.

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    Detailed content of the summaries, including the option to set up all notifications, can be found here.